夢絃21 MUGEN21

Welcome to Shamisen-Katoh. You are visiting the maker of Mugen21, a truly innovative Electric Shamisen!

Press coverage - an introduction to Shamisen-Katoh




The way of a right meeting of the visitor from the foreign country.(You Tube)

Mugen 21 has a specially designed microphone installed within the body of an authentic shamisen.

It amplifies the sound of the acoustic shamisen faithfully.

Annoying noises and howling caused by the use of contact microphones or standing microphones are entirely eliminated.

Connect Mugen 21 to any effector and create your own sound. With our wireless model, you can even move freely on and off the stage.

When you unplug the microphone cord,  Mugen 21 can be used as a high quality acoustic shamisen.


Mugen 21  Price list

 Redsander neck and Karin body \335,000
 Karin neck and body \185,000

  All models come with

 * yubikake (finger guard)
 * hizagomu (rubber mat for your knee)
 * koma (bridge)
 * Dokake (protective and decorative cover on the side of  the body)
 * cloth end piece (a thing to tie the strings to)
 * tsuyadashi-nuno (specially treated soft polishing cloth)

 * naga-bukuro (shamisen length cloth bag)

 * extra strings and shield. finger position pointer sticker .

    Carrying cases are also available.


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